Ayr Community Church

Belief in Action


About us

The Salvation Army – it’s a name familiar to just about everyone. But, there is so much more to The Salvation Army than meets the eye! In every community where you find The Salvation Army, you will discover a ministry that is unique. And yet, the same mission drives us all: to actively reach out to others in the name of Jesus Christ, and to introduce each one to a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

For more than a hundred and twenty years, The Salvation Army has been a vital part of the South Ayrshire evangelical and social community.

Although it’s mainly known for its social ministries, The Salvation Army is a thriving and relevant mainstream Christian Church. You can find us at 59 John Street. Everyone is welcome at our vibrant weekly worship services and our programmes which are relevant for people of all ages.

Our exciting Sunday morning worship starts at 10:45 am and is usually finished by 12:15 pm. A highlight of family worship is a “coffee and fellowship” time immediately after the service, where you get to meet people and chat about things that matter to you most.

The preaching and worship is bible-based and you probably can't worship anywhere else where a brass band accompanies the singing every week! Looking for a spiritual home? Come join our Army!

Call the Church Office at 01292 269 286 for more information.

How to find us

We are located at 59 John St. (formerly the Wallacetown Church). There is a bus stop right outside our door and you may park on the street on Sundays. However parking fills up very quickly!

Leadership Team

Life in this congregation is exciting, challenging and fulfilling – just as Jesus intended it to be, with many interesting and exciting activities for children, teenagers and adults alike. New ventures and traditional activities sit happily side by side in this friendly and all-encompassing congregation.

Major Linda Watson

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It is with sadness that we report the Promotion to Glory of Major Linda Watson on January 5th 2024. Linda will be greatly missed for her loving spirit, indomitable work ethic and sense of humour.
As christians we rejoice that she is now free from suffering and enjoying the splendour of her Saviour's presence, but as friends and comrades she leaves a void that will be hard to fill.
Her family have requested that in lieu of memorial flowers, donations in her name be made to either The Salvation Army, Ayr or Ayr Hospice. Your prayers on behalf of the family and those who loved her and grieve her passing are greatly appreciated.

The work of the church in Ayr is supported by local leaders from the congregation who appreciate your prayers at this time:

Evangelism and Worship activities – Bobby Irvine and Robin Black;
Treasurer duties for both Corps & Community work ­- Jackie Alexander
Wellbeing issues within the fellowship - Iris Tomlinson


Church Windows

The building in which we worship has always been a church though not always The Salvation Army. Part of the building's legacy is the set of stained glass windows on either side of the platform. Len McIlloney has created a short video that shows the detail which often gets lost at the distance an observer sees them. Robert Dibden provides meaningful background piano sounds.


Ayr Community Church